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2016 Annual Report to the Congregation

Here is Allegheny UU’s 2016 Annual Report to the Congregation. Please review the materials in this report prior to the May 22 Annual Congregational Meeting.

Alternate Spring Break at Allegheny UU

During March and April we hosted Alternate Spring Break groups from Vanderbilt University and the University of Delaware. Unitarian House was home base and students spent the week doing community service projects on the North Side and around the city, at agencies...

Share the Plate supports Planned Parenthood of Western PA

Our Share the Plate collection during March and April raised $601 for Planned Parenthood of Western PA, whose mission is to provide health care, educate about family planning and responsible parenthood, and advocate for public policies that guard rights and access to...
Winter Weather Plan: We’ll be Open!

Winter Weather Plan: We’ll be Open!

With a wintry forecast this weekend we want to remind everyone that we gather each Sunday regardless of weather for a 10:30am worship service. That means if you can get here, we’ll be here! If you long for the warmth of community, we’ll be here. If you...