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Our Share the Plate collection during May and June raised $580 for the Unitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network, widely known as UUPLAN. We’re proud to be a Covenanting Congregation with UUPLAN, providing annual support for their work to bring Unitarian Universalist voices into the public square. Here’s more on their mission:

UUPLAN logoWe are Unitarian Universalists working together in common cause to embrace, articulate, and advocate for all goals of social and environmental justice. We come from all parts of the state, all walks of life, and we each bring our passions in service of a just and peaceful world. We leverage the commitment and skills of over 6,000 Unitarian Universalists in Pennsylvania to raise a loud, effective voice in Harrisburg.

We speak as people of faith to counter the religious extremism and proclaim social compassion and justice. Whenever possible we work in collaboration with other advocacy organizations of like mind and with grassroots constituencies to more effectively shape the direction of public policy in Pennsylvania.

We focus our energies on Anti-Mass Incarceration, Economic Justice, Reproductive Justice, Environmental Justice, Immigration Justice, and LGBT Justice.

Allegheny’s Share the Plate program began in 2010 and directs half of our Sunday plate collection to justice partners doing important work in the communities of Pitttsburgh’s North Side and beyond. So far we have collected and distributed $23,555 to 28 justice partners. If you know of an organization or project doing good works contact <sharetheplate at>.