Aug 10, 2017 | News, Social Justice Activities
Healthy treats make the summer tastier and far less stressful for families that rely on the Northside Community Food Pantry. The families that depend on the Food Pantry struggle at home during the summer to make up for the free breakfast and lunch that their kids get...
Oct 12, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
We have a long-standing commitment to our North Side neighborhood community, working to ensure racial justice through activities such as anti-oppression workshops; economic justice through activities such as fair housing advocacy; and community improvement, through...
Oct 12, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
We envision a world in which the choices we make in living our daily lives are guided by our 7th Unitarian Universalist principle: a respect for the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part. We believe that living out this principle means putting...
Sep 23, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Participation in UUSC connects Allegheny UU to tangible works on a global level. UUSC’s two biggest events are Social Justice Sunday in the spring and Guest At Your Table in the fall. Allegheny UU was recognized as a Banner Congregation when we surpassed the threshold...
Sep 23, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Our congregation is one of the founding members of Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN). We work together with other PIIN organizations to advocate for just and equitable policies for the nation, the commonwealth, the region, and the city. And we are a...
Sep 23, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Our Share the Plate program donates half of the cash collected during Sunday offerings to a nonprofit justice partner. In 2 years we have made over $8,000 in donations. Here are some of the organizations we have supported: 2011 Jeron Cares Northside Common Ministries...