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Share the Plate supports YMWAHA

Our Share the Plate collection during March and April 2017 raised $575 for  the Young Men and Women’s African Heritage Association (YMWAHA), which provides cultural, arts, and education programs geared towards empowering school age children and their families....

Share the Plate supports PA Interfaith Impact Network

Our Share the Plate collection during January and February 2017 raised $753 for the PA Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN), a network of congregations and organizations  committed to drawing together people of faith to act powerfully on local and regional issues of...

Declaration of Conscience from UUA and UUSC

The Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee have offered a Declaration of Conscience that states in the strongest possible terms our commitment in these troubling times. By signing the declaration, individuals and congregations...

Share the Plate supports Northside Common Ministries

Our Share the Plate collection during November and December 2016 raised $878 for Northside Common Ministries which offers many vital community resources to our struggling neighbors including the Northside Community Food Pantry and the Pleasant Valley Men’s Shelter....

Share the Plate Reaches $25,000!

On Sunday November 20 we celebrated an important milestone as our Share the Plate program reached $25,000 in donations since its inception in 2010! Share the Plate directs half of the cash donations we receive each Sunday to carefully selected justice partners,...