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Church Administrator Position Available

Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church in the North Side of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is looking for a part-time Church Office Administrator to provide a variety of clerical and ministry support services, helping with organizing the activities and functions of the...

Covenant of Right Relations

At the direction of the congregation, volunteers over the 2011-12 church year developed our “Covenant of Right Relations” (CORR) to reflect the congregation’s philosophy that guides the way we choose to relate and interact with one another. The...

Provide room and board for Haitian Student

The Pittsburgh Haiti Solidarity Committee (HSC) seeks two host families to provide room and board for a student from Haiti’s Bank for the Organized Poor (Fonkoze) who has received a scholarship to study at Duquesne University from mid-August 2012 to early May 2013....

New Director of Religious Education, Brian Byers!

We are happy to announce our new Director of Religious Education, Brian Byers! Please welcome Brian. And thank the RE Steering Committee for both creating a year of volunteer-run RE and finding such a committed, dynamic, and dedicated Unitarian Universalist to lead us...

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Two neighborhood families lost their homes to fire the week before Christmas. The neighborhood responded with a generous spirit by holding a neighborhood concert on January 15 to benefit these families. The church offered our space for the event for free, helping make...

Member and trustee featured in PG article

An article covering the “Longest Night” event features member & trustee, Mac McMahon. Mac helps our entire congregation stay connected to the struggles of the homeless around Pittsburgh and here on the North side.