Jul 31, 2014 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
What can you do for peace in the world? Start with peace in your heart. Move toward peace in your relationships. Extend peace in your neighborhood. Advocate peace in your nation. Envision peace on Earth. What can you do for National Week of Non-Violence (NWNV), this...
Mar 1, 2014 | Justice Opportunities, Share the Plate
We share our offering plate each Sunday by donating half of our cash offerings to a justice partner. Our Share the Plate partner for March and April of 2014 is the UU Congregation of Charleston WV which is providing direct support and relief to families and...
Jan 2, 2014 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
A new Small Group Ministry Book Group is forming to read the 2013-14 UUA Common Read selection Behind The Kitchen Door which explores ethical eating and economic justice for restaurant workers. As the group progresses we hope to collaborate with the Unitarian...
Jan 1, 2014 | Justice Opportunities, Share the Plate
Our Share the Plate Justice Partner for January & February of 2014 is the Centennial Scholarship Program of the American Field Service We share our offering plate each Sunday by donating half of our cash offerings to a justice partner. Our current recipient is the...
Dec 4, 2013 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
The current group of CORO Fellows will be working together on a catalytic project until at least July 2014. At the Educational Justice Project Opening, they will share a prototype plan and are looking for our feedback and collaboration to move from ideas to action....
Oct 16, 2013 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
On behalf of Dreams of Hope and speaQ, you are invited to LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Allied) open mic nights for LGBTQA young people, ages 13-24 to speaQ their minds! ($5 to get in, $3 if performing.) Thursday October 17, 8-10PM, Father...