Apr 20, 2015 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
A Talk on “Lifeboat Communities” by Dr. David Whaley Sunday, April 26, 1pm – 3pm Allegheny member Dr. David Whaley leads a presentation and discussion on the increasingly alarming state of environmental affairs and the concept and lessons of...
Apr 3, 2015 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
For many of the working poor, the American dream is denied in the interests of making the rich just a bit richer. As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to support the struggle for equality for all people and to help to end the divisiveness and suffering created by...
Feb 8, 2015 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
A new legislative session is underway with unprecedented support from faith communities for the PA Legislature to pass HB/SB 300 during the 2015-16 session. Although the bill has not yet been officially introduced, with 60 bi-partisan co-sponsors and the support of...
Jan 14, 2015 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
As one of the founding congregations of Northside Common Ministries, we continue to support their important work of serving those most in need in our community. Volunteers from Allegheny provide a meal for the 30 men staying at the Pleasant Valley Men’s Shelter...
Nov 17, 2014 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
Pleasant Valley Shelter has turkeys and potatoes coming for Thanksgiving dinner but no side dishes. They still need stuffing, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, pies, and desserts – and will gratefully accept any donations provided. You can make enough for...
Aug 15, 2014 | Justice Opportunities, Upcoming Events
Monday September 1st, Labor Day, 2-8PM, in the Strip District on Smallman between 16th-18th, join in a Labor Day & Back-to-School community festival following the Labor Day Parade. This is an outdoor event where we anticipate a diverse crowd of a few thousand...