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Minister’s Message – January 2016

Minister’s Message – January 2016

Awareness isn’t for the weak of heart. That’s why we strengthen ourselves through beloved community. That’s why we cultivate nourishing relationships. That’s why we create beauty. That’s why we pursue commerce. That’s why we craft worship together. That’s why we...
Spiritual Focus: Forgiveness

Spiritual Focus: Forgiveness

This October offers a time of intentional reflection on the spiritual practice of forgiveness. Forgiving, I gift myself the space to move into right relationship with the offense and the offender. Sometimes that right relationship is: “I am free to go about my life...
Spiritual Focus: Faith

Spiritual Focus: Faith

Each month, Allegheny and First Unitarian share a spiritual focus for worship and other programs. The spiritual focus for September is “Faith.” Ours is a simple faith. Life is a short embrace. Heaven is in this place every day. – from “Ours is a Simple...
Gather the waters. Gather the spirit.

Gather the waters. Gather the spirit.

  We begin a new church year with “Ingathering Sunday” and “Water Communion” the Sunday after Labor Day! Members, friends, and guests are all invited to bring waters of blessing: Waters of joy brought from some fun spot; Waters of...
Grieve as you are willing and able…

Grieve as you are willing and able…

An article recently came across my desk. I pass it along especially for a dearly beloved who awhile back shared a different article from a grieving mother who took a famous televangelist to task for his theory of grieving. (That theory was, in a nutshell: “Get...