Mar 1, 2018 | Feature Stories, From Rev. Dave
Human biology and neurology have confirmed what ancient wisdom (and, frankly, intuition) has always taught: Healthy individuality is impossible without community. Yet community demands conformity—with some communities demanding more conformity than others. This makes...
Dec 22, 2017 | From Rev. Dave
On Martin Luther King Sunday this past year, we gathered to celebrate Rev. Dr. King’s legacy and commit to live it out! The “word cloud” above reflects the key elements of the ways we aspire to live our values, to become the people we’re...
Jun 20, 2017 | Feature Stories, From Rev. Dave
So it was one of those summer days in early spring. We’re on the neighbor’s stoop. Her kids and mine, playing together. One of my boys had had a rough afternoon and makes another (ahem) mistake that I need to (ahem) correct. I get his attention, remind him of the...
Jan 18, 2017 | Feature Stories, From Rev. Dave, Justice Opportunities
On Martin Luther King Sunday, we gathered to celebrate Rev. Dr. King’s legacy and commit to live it out! We reflected on the social concerns that occupy our thoughts and touch our hearts. Then we focused on what we can and shall do during the first 100...
Jun 9, 2016 | From Rev. Dave
Plants are sprouting. Bugs are buzzing. The sun is reaching its zenith. Gardens and plots are bearing vegetables and flowers and berries. Or gathering weeds. Summer offers a little more sunlight and rain and, for some anyway, a little more leisure. It’s a great time...
Apr 1, 2016 | Feature Stories, From Rev. Dave
Last year our yard had one peach blossom. And later, one peach. One out-of-reach peach. Infested and dessicated, it eventually fell of its own weight, sloughed off from a tree that kept living. This year is different. There’s too many blossoms to count. Maybe it was...