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Marriage Equality Becomes Law!

Marriage Equality Becomes Law!

  Today the U.S. Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land when it ruled that state bans on same-sex marriage are not legal. The 4500 Unitarian Universalists attending General Assembly in Portland celebrated with cheers, tweets, worship, and song....
Interdependence Day Worship on July 5

Interdependence Day Worship on July 5

Maybe the 5th of July, the day after Independence Day, should be “Interdependence Day!” Worship is always an interdependent experience. Speaking, listening, singing, praying all depend on mutual participation of those gathered–including the presence...
Watch Live: 2015 General Assembly

Watch Live: 2015 General Assembly

General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. TheĀ 2015 General Assembly is in Portland OR with the theme “Building a...
We Welcome You

We Welcome You

We are a welcoming, urban congregation that puts Unitarian Universalism into action by celebrating life, nourishing the spirit, and inspiring a commitment to justice. Join us every Sunday for worship, for sharing from the heart, for growing a soul. Seasons change, but...

Creating a More Just World

Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church members are committed to just living and to meaningful, effective work for a just church, a just neighborhood, and a just world. Learn more about our social justice efforts.      ...