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What might beauty have in store for the soul…

There are no doubt very good evolutionary reasons for things that we find beautiful here on Earth. Beautiful fruits and grains show us where the good food is. Beautiful sunrises encourage us to live to the next day. Beautiful, smiling, or peaceful faces can make...

Live life driven by the spiritual gift of “courage”

  For the Ancient Greeks, courage was one of the four great virtues. It was lived most vividly on the battlefield where soldiers would live out their duty despite the cost with Aristotle speaking of courage as the balance between fear and confidence. Tao Te Ching...
Answer March’s spiritual call to “let go”

Answer March’s spiritual call to “let go”

It’s a thrill to swing on the rope and let go with a great splash into exhilarating waters. A terror and a joy to let go and fly into the next moment. Let go. Release the past. Lean into the future. Live deeply the present. A Sufi story credited to Khwaja Ali...
Accept January’s Spiritual Gift of “Challenge”

Accept January’s Spiritual Gift of “Challenge”

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there...


It’s reported that Meister Eckhart said, “Were the word ‘Thanks’ the only prayer you ever say, it would suffice.” (Wäre das Wort ›Danke‹ das einzige Gebet, das du je sprichst, so würde es genügen.) This month’s spiritual focus explores the wonders of...
Whoever You Are, We Welcome You

Whoever You Are, We Welcome You

Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church is a welcoming, urban congregation that puts Unitarian Universalism into action by celebrating life, nourishing the spirit, and inspiring a commitment to justice. Join us each Sunday at 10:30am weekly.