Mar 11, 2018 | From Rev. Dave
Oh sun, moon, stars, our other relatives peering at us from the inside of god’s house walk with us as we climb into the next century naked but for the stories we have of each other. Keep us from giving up in this land of nightmares which is also the land of...
Dec 22, 2017 | From Rev. Dave
On Martin Luther King Sunday this past year, we gathered to celebrate Rev. Dr. King’s legacy and commit to live it out! The “word cloud” above reflects the key elements of the ways we aspire to live our values, to become the people we’re...
Jul 21, 2015 | Feature Stories, From Rev. Dave
An article recently came across my desk. I pass it along especially for a dearly beloved who awhile back shared a different article from a grieving mother who took a famous televangelist to task for his theory of grieving. (That theory was, in a nutshell: “Get...