Healthy treats make the summer tastier and far less stressful for families that rely on the Northside Community Food Pantry. The families that depend on the Food Pantry struggle at home during the summer to make up for the free breakfast and lunch that their kids get at school.
This summer our Religious Education kids decided to put on a Summer Healthy Snack Food Drive for the Northside Food Pantry. After publicizing during church, going door-to-door in the neighborhood, and having a table at the Open Streets festival, the kids raised money and collected an estimated $500 in healthy snacks! On August 6th, the kids filled grocery carts, wheeled them over to the Northside Food Panter, stocked the shelves, and learned about how families access the pantry.
Ronald and Raven are 6 year-old twins that live with their mother and two older siblings. The twins love chewy fruit snacks but their mom rarely sees the treats at the food pantry and there is never enough money on her food assistance card for treats after she buys the basics needed to feed a family of five. Ronald and Raven came to the food pantry this week with their mom and they were thrilled to be able to each select a box of fruit chews to have with their lunches at home this summer. Thanks to the Healthy Snack Drive sponsored by the kids at AUUC, Ronald, Raven and dozens of other kids whose families depend on the pantry for food are finding a special healthy snack with their lunch this summer.