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Planning and fundraising continues for Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church’s Founders Hall Acoustics project, announced in Fall 2014 and expected to be completed by Summer 2015.

The Ohio-Meadville District (OMD) of the Unitarian Universalist Association selected us as recipient of their November 2014 Chalice Lighter’s Call to support this project. Over three months $3,035 was raised from donors across the district, which encompasses 44 congregations in Ohio, western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and southwest New York. On March 8th Ron Smutny of the OMD’s Resource Development team visited Allegheny to present a check to the congregation.

Separately, Allegheny has now raised another $4,500 from members and friends of the congregation and the surrounding community, bringing the total raised to over $7,500.

With the pro-bono help of architectural acoustical services company Sextant Group, the space was evaluated and determined to be “too lively” making it hard to converse and hear. The resultant remediation plan is to install fabric-wrapped, acoustically absorptive panels onto the ceiling.

The project will improve accessibility and intimacy of the space for church and denominational events as well as community functions. The congregation would like to make greater use of Founders Hall for worship services, assemblies and musical events, as well as traditional Sunday fellowship hour. Our central urban location makes our church an important gathering spot for local UU’s as well as a wide variety of community and neighborhood groups, including Narcotics Anonymous, the Mexican War Streets Society, the Allegheny City Central Association, Youth Opportunities Development, and many others. Use of the space has been and will continue to be offered at no charge for community organizations and events as part of our commitment to the neighborhood.

Donations to support the project can be made using our Donate page or by contacting President Liz Dell at <president at>.