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On behalf of Dreams of Hope and speaQ, you are invited to LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Allied) open mic nights for LGBTQA young people, ages 13-24 to speaQ their minds! ($5 to get in, $3 if performing.)

Thursday October 17, 8-10PM, Father Ryan Arts Center: 420 Charities Avenue in McKees Rocks, with guest artist, Bekezela Mguni.

Friday October 18, 7-9PM, ModernFormations Gallery: 4919 Penn Avenue in Garfield, with guest artist, Lauren Russell, with the theme: Queer Women Poets.

And plan next month for Friday, November 22, 7pm at ModernFormations.

If you’re an LGBTQA person between 13-24, bring a reading and be heard. Everyone else, come to inspire our youth… and to let yourself be inspired!