Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN) puts people of faith into action.
Gather with hundreds of other people of faith (or as Rev. Dave has said, “people of faith & doubt”) to promote justice, equity, and compassion on the public square. PIIN invites public officials to take a stance on issues important to the people of Pittsburgh and the Commonwealth.
This is our once-a-year time to “Show Up Fully” for PIIN and the politicians who support justice.
PIIN is as strong as its congregations and organizations. Our justice work is as strong as our partnerships. Plan to be at Rodef Shalom on November 7, 2013, 7-8:30PM (doors open at 6:15).
This is a rousing, inspiring event for all ages. Bring your signs. Bring your UU t-shirts. Bring your whole self to stand on the side of love writ large!
For more information, contact PIIN at 412.621.9230 or