What can you do for peace in the world? Start with peace in your heart. Move toward peace in your relationships. Extend peace in your neighborhood. Advocate peace in your nation. Envision peace on Earth.
What can you do for National Week of Non-Violence (NWNV), this August 16-23? Take time each day that week to meditate on peace. Have intentional conversations with people you love about fostering peace. Move toward peace with people in your life with whom you do not currently feel at peace. Participate in one of the NWNV events found here. Register for the August 23, 2014, National Summit on Non-Violence here. Donate to the organizers so they can stream it, and then be there virtually. Sponsor a Peace Circle in your home or at the church. Join with one of our Justice Partners to sponsor a screening & discussion of a mini-movie promoted by Black Women for Positive Change, “On Second Thought” available on YouTube.
Whatever you can do, participate in the National Week of Non-Violence. Bring more peace to your life, the neighborhood, and the planet.
Rev. Dave attended Councilwoman Rudiak’s press conference announcing Pittsburgh’s participation in the National Week of Non-Violence.