Live your integrity! Year after year, day after day, step by step, moment by moment, breath by holy breath. Welcome the new year by joining in spiritual community throughout the month of January to explore the spiritual practice of “integrity.”
For a spiritual community focused on accepting and loving who we are, we are also aware that the very notion of “who we are” is always in process. Growing. Becoming.
Loving and accepting ourselves and one another is not a static place but a journey. Like life, we are always changing. That’s why living with integrity takes practice.
The UU faith stance includes acknowledging that life and especially human life is about change and transformation. If a human endeavor—spiritual or otherwise— is to have any integrity, it must be recognized as being a process. As a process, integrity—spiritual and otherwise— takes practice.
Those “New Year Resolutions” are in some way a (sometimes embarrassingly pale) reflection of this deeper spiritual insight: that as humans we need to take regular opportunities to remind ourselves of what’s most important, of who we are, who we aspire to be, and who we are becoming as individuals and as a people. Spiritual integrity takes practice because whereas there may well be something eternal about the soul, the experience of life always moves, shifts, changes, and, let’s hope, grows.
Integrity. Integrity as spiritual practice. A good way to begin a new year. The way to live a life worth living. A life worth dying for. See you at church.