On my usual weekday off (is anything “usual” anymore?), an email shows up in my inbox: 5 Tricks to Look Good on Zoom.
Some algorithm must’ve caught me.
Or maybe one of you sent it. (I’m looking at you, Tim ; )
And it hit me hard: I was not made for this.
Yet here I am.
This was not the final, celebratory, dust-off-my-top-ten-sermons church spring that I had imagined when I announced my retirement from parish ministry in December. Yet here I am.
Well, I’m in good company. This is not the spring that most any of us had imagined. Yet here we are. Holding each other when we can’t touch. Gathering together at miraculous digital speeds while sheltering in place. Being there for each other far apart while we #stayawayandstayconnected. Here we are.
As I flow toward taking my leave at the end of May, and as the church as a whole flows toward its bright shiny and new future, have patience with one another. Heap appreciation and praise on the valiant volunteers who are midwifes to our surprising future. Offer your support. And be gentle on yourselves and those around you.
Not excluding your old pastor.
This season for us offers a reminder that whatever the next, brave new world looks like, connecting to Beloved Community will be and is more important than perhaps ever before. We’ll get through this. Together—for now, then come May without the “me” part of “we.” But we’ll get through this. One new trick, one step, one breath, one soul connection at a time.
Grateful to be on the journey with you. Always Love, Rev Dave