Where do I need to listen for wrongs that I might be able to make right–at least in part– in my place, in my time, here and now? Where are the solutions that I could be part of? Where are the solutions that this congregation could be a part of?
* PIIN: Community building between residents and police.
* Jeff Rec: Financial Literacy, Restorative Justice, Skills for Reducing Aggression
* MLK School
I’m not going to get a call from the President of Chase Manhattan, any more than from the Mayor of Pittsburgh. I can’t even get a call back from the principal of MLK! So what can I do? What am I, as pastor of a UU church in the North Side, called to do and be and become? What is this church being called to be and become? The ‘60s are gone. We did our part. We protested. We created new institutions. We got in the papers. The ‘80s and ‘90s and 2000s are gone. We did our part then, too. What is the North Side of Pittsburgh in the twenty-first century calling on Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church to be and become? How do we discover what’s most wrong and change it? How do we discover what’s most right and promote it? Or, much more importantly, what’s wrong or right that we can do most about? For this, I don’t have to listen to the Mayor, I don’t have to listen to the President, I don’t need to listen to another podcast, I don’t even need to listen to Oprah! I need to listen to you. I need to listen to our neighbors.
* Listening Campaign
* Entrepreneurial Ministry