Sep 23, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
As a historically Euro-American institution, we are conscious of our responsibilities for the historically marginalized. We celebrate Black Heritage Month, welcome African-American community leaders to the pulpit throughout the year, participate in the North Side Old...
Sep 23, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
The Pleasant Valley men’s shelter at Northside Common Ministries provides emergency shelter, showers and a warm meal to 25 homeless men each night. On the third Thursday of each month, Allegheny UU provides and serves a warm and wholesome meal to the...
Aug 12, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Each week members of Allegheny gather in the kitchen to make 20-40 meal bags for Operation Save-a-Life to use in their outreach to the homeless population in Pittsburgh. Members and friends of AUUC have been working with OSAL for about two years and in the process...
Aug 12, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Northside Common Ministries (NCM) continues to see more people than ever before in the food pantry. At this time about 600 families come to the pantry each month to receive food. With a 23% increase of families living below the poverty line on the North Side, the need...
Aug 12, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Our volunteers have been instrumental in assisting the kids at the City of Pittsburgh’s Jefferson Recreation Center, including coordinating art projects and helping secure hot food for the kids through a County program. Those who volunteer regularly develop...
Aug 12, 2012 | Social Justice Activities
Our participation in Pittsburgh’s annual GLBTQ Pride March is an outward symbol of our commitment to civil rights for all. The second Sunday in June is the one day in the year that church starts an hour early so that we make sure to catch our bus in time for...