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Powering Dreams of Hope through Share the Plate

Our new Share the Plate partner for Q1 2013 will be Dreams of Hope. Through the power of the arts, Dreams of Hope provides the region’s LGBT and allied youth a welcoming environment to grow in confidence, express themselves and develop as leaders. Their creative...

Connect through Inreach Ministry

At its best, church is a place to make deep connections–inner connections, connections to others, and connections to the greater good, the greater reality that some call God. The Inreach Ministry helps us stay connected to one another as a church community. If...

Allegheny UU Receives “Creating Justice” Award

Congratulations, Allegheny! We received a “Creating Justice” award from the UU Service Committee again this year for outstanding percentage of members of the UUSC, as you may have seen mentioned in your “UU World” magazine.

Women’s Walk for Peace

On Saturday, September 8, 2012, under clouds and rain, about a dozen Allegheny folks gathered with hundreds of other North Siders on Perry Hilltop to walk down to West Park, across from the church. This annual event highlights what women can do to bring more peace to...