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Allegheny UU is on YouTube!

Allegheny UU Church has created a YouTube channel for sharing video highlights from our church community. We hope to be able to post worship , events, and other captured moments. We encourage you to bookmark the site and check back periodically to see updates:...

Sign up for the new Advocate Update!

Our weekly email newsletter The Advocate Update is now being published via Mailchimp. This change will allow us to deliver news in a richer, more engaging and mobile-friendly format and provide a better experience for our readers. This has been a longstanding request...

Share the Plate supports Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network

During July and August we collected $440 for the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN), which brings together people of different faiths to promote social justice. They are currently working on green infrastructure that will modernize our water and sewage...
Path to Authenticity led North Side Pastor to God

Path to Authenticity led North Side Pastor to God

The Rev. Dave McFarland closed his eyes to summon details from that life-altering day. It was Feb. 22, 1991. He was lying on the floor, surrounded by 50 people. They were performing breathing exercises at a spiritual retreat in San Francisco, where he felt the...

Share the Plate supports UUPLAN

During May and June we collected $532 for the Unitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network (UUPLAN), which organizes 6000+ UU’s from 40 congregations around the state to embrace, articulate, and advocate for social justice and advance legislation...
Marriage Equality Becomes Law!

Marriage Equality Becomes Law!

  Today the U.S. Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land when it ruled that state bans on same-sex marriage are not legal. The 4500 Unitarian Universalists attending General Assembly in Portland celebrated with cheers, tweets, worship, and song....