May 21, 2014 | From Rev. Dave
“Coasting” We’re well past the mid-point of Allegheny’s sabbatical and I hope you are enjoying the fruits of this sabbatical season. You have every reason to feel good about your accomplishments. You have created worship for each another. You have supported each...
Mar 5, 2014 | From Rev. Dave
“Charge to the Congregation” Greetings from Rev. Andrew Weber and Isabella! Andrew was a seminarian and a member of Allegheny, and he and Isabella were married at this church. Andrew generously invited me to offer a “Charge to the Congregation” at his installation at...
Feb 3, 2014 | From Rev. Dave
Sitting finishing a lovely hot cocoa of a Monday morning (thanks to the care package the church sent me off with), it’s hard to believe a month has passed already. Today started, as has been more the rule than the exception, by taking the boys to school late due...
Feb 1, 2014 | From Rev. Dave
This African American Heritage Month, exploring the received wisdom of the ages, we look to the West African image of Sankofa: the bird forced to fly hastily from its home, yet who carries an egg nestled within its back feathers. Literally “Sankofa” is a...
Dec 23, 2013 | From Rev. Dave
In Emerson’s essay, “Experience,” he suggests that “The years teach much which the days never know.” As we embark on this adventure of Allegheny’s Sabbatical, let’s hope that what’s true for years is also true for months. Six months, to be...
Nov 4, 2013 | From Rev. Dave
It’s reported that Meister Eckhart said, “Were the word ‘Thanks’ the only prayer you ever say, it would suffice.” (Wäre das Wort ›Danke‹ das einzige Gebet, das du je sprichst, so würde es genügen.) Madison Avenue would like to convince us that if we have the right...