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Spiritual Focus: Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Focus: Spiritual Growth

  Here’s something about life I remember from my junior high biology class: If it’s not changing, it’s not alive; and if it’s not growing, it’s dead. At about the same time, I remember at the Baptist church of my youth I was hearing about being “spiritually...

Celebrating the Kwanzaa Principle of “Imani”

On December 28th, 2014, we gathered to honor Kwanzaa and the principle of Imani or “faith.” Acknowledging that ours is a religious tradition that lives with both faith and doubt, everybody we know has faith in something because a truly faith-less person...

Breathe to Peace

I’m in no position to stop Middle East violence. Or Russian. Or Asian. Or African. Or American, for that matter. I’m in a somewhat better position to affect violence in my neighborhood: Reach out; Stand witness; Support my neighbor; Foster peace-making...

Sabbatical Reflections: June 2014

  The big message from sabbatical continues to be: how precious is this place. How precious Unitarian Universalism, yes. How precious church is as a place where people gather to explore the deeper experience of life, yes. But how precious it is to have here in...

God’s Law of Love

The God revealed through evolution, history, and scripture abounds with love.  Evolution reveals that without love to create and support life, the human species would have died out long ago.  History has witnessed gradual changes in marriage arrangements from those...