Nov 12, 2016 | Feature Stories, Upcoming Events
As longer nights roll in, take a moment to find the splendors of the dark. Make time this holiday season for a Winter Solstice Celebration, a collaborative experience with City of Asylum and Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church. Featuring: – Venezuelan poet...
Oct 8, 2016 | Feature Stories, Upcoming Events
2016 Cluster Assembly of the Unitarian Universalists of Greater Pittsburgh Come for the Camaraderie, Connection, and Collaboration! During the morning, we’ve assembled a panel of speakers who will reflect on “The Future of Our Democracy”.Many feel...
Jun 30, 2016 | Feature Stories, Upcoming Events
Open Streets Pittsburgh will come to the North Side of Pittsburgh on Sunday July 31 from 9am until 1pm! Allegheny UU will host “Spirit in the Park”, including a 10:30am worship service, and other activities for all ages, all outside in West Park of...
May 19, 2016 | Feature Stories, Upcoming Events
“You Are Loved” or “God Hates Fags”? What’s the message you want to greet thousands of LGBTQ folks and their supporters at this year’s Pride March? Although UUs aren’t organizing a March contingent this year, we can still show...
Apr 1, 2016 | Feature Stories, From Rev. Dave
Last year our yard had one peach blossom. And later, one peach. One out-of-reach peach. Infested and dessicated, it eventually fell of its own weight, sloughed off from a tree that kept living. This year is different. There’s too many blossoms to count. Maybe it was...