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Attend District Assembly April 26-27, 2013

DISTRICT ASSEMBLY 2013: OUT OF BOUNDS: MOVING BEYOND OUR BOUNDARIES Friday, April 26 – Saturday April 27 Niagara Falls Convention Centre, Niagara Falls, NY District Assembly is an opportunity to network with other UU’s, develop yourself as a UU and as a...

2013 Pride March Kickoff Meeting

Tuesday, March 12, 7PM Unitarian House The annual Pride March is one of the highlights of the church calendar and involves a large number of other UU churches in the Pittsburgh region. If you are interested in helping out with this event or are just interested in...

Spaghetti Dinner and Talent Show a Success

Allegheny’s Stewardship Committee hosted the highlight of Allegheny’s Spring social calendar, the Spaghetti Dinner and Talent Show. Charlie and Greg cooked up a sumptuous spaghetti dinner and members brought delicious and decadent desserts. Chris...

Vanderbilt University Students Visit

We were happy to host 12 undergrads from Vanderbilt University during March for their “Alternative Spring Break” program. Their mission coincides with part of our mission: to bring more justice. They’ve chosen a neighbor service organization,...