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Friday, April 26, 7:00PM Emerson Room
Sunday, April 28, 3:00PM Tomlinsons’ house (1410 Page St., 15233)

How have our CELEBRATIONS deepened your connections to the Allegheny community? How has worship at Allegheny NURTURED your spirit? How has Allegheny inspired you to COMMIT to justice work? This is our living Mission at Allegheny UU. Think about how you have been nourished by it and then consider how you can in turn feed the pot that makes it live larger and deeper.

THE 2013 ANNUAL BUDGET DRIVE IS ON! Respond to the best of your ability when asked to pledge. Giving generously of your treasure will ensure that we can continue to Celebrate, Nurture and Commit to Justice.

The Stewardship Team invites you to join in informal conversation about what Allegheny’s Mission means to us all, and how we all can support and grow it. Join us for fellowship and conversation at one of the times and places above. Desserts and beverages will abound. Come share your stories of celebration, nurturing and commitment. Questions? See Mark Tomlinson, Betty or John Luff, or Tiffany Merriman-Preston.